PANLAR 2024, the upcoming transformation in Barranquilla

By :
    Estefanía Fajardo
    Periodista científica de Global Rheumatology by PANLAR.

07 July, 2023
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E- ISSN: 2709-5533
Vol 4 / Jul - Dec [2023]


PANLAR 2024, the upcoming transformation in Barranquilla

Estefanía Fajardo: Periodista científica. Correo: 
Dr Miguel Albanese: Presidente PANLAR. Correo:


Cite as: Fajardo E, Albanese M. PANLAR 2024, the upcoming transformation in Barranquilla. Global Rheumatology.  Vol 4 / Jul - Dec [2023]. Available from:

Received date: March 25, 2023
Accepted date: July 6, 2023
Published Date: July 7, 2023

Miguel Albanese, president of PANLAR, discusses the challenge faced by PANLAR for the upcoming year, and the proposal for the congress in Barranquilla.

Estefanía Fajardo: The next stop will be Barranquilla. In terms of visibility, what can we expect?

Miguel Albanese: Look at the conference in Rio de Janeiro, which took place eight months after the one in Miami. We have almost 400 scientific papers, a very important amount. In the Rio de Janeiro congress we will bestow innovation awards, as well as the classic Schumacher award, all of which are highly valuable. We shall also strive to maintain certain stimuli to further develop abetter rheumatology. [CEA1] Indeed, we have a younger PANLAR, with a lot of young people who will take the lead in rheumatology and bring it into the 21st century The generation I belong to will become the golden generation and a younger group of people will lead.

This transformation and transfer of knowledge, as well as the generational change, is something we also want to show in the 2024 Congress, when we arrive to Barranquilla. This is an astonishing place, a huge port in the Caribbean, one of the biggest ports in the Caribbean, with a “Window to the World” that we want to view. For me, Barranquilla’s “Window” symbolizes a window of the future, an emblematic monument of the city. Barranquilla is a city that wants to change and enter the 21st century with resolve, with intelligence, its personality, its lights and shadows. PANLAR is similar to Barranquilla: it seduces me, as Barranquilla does, with its carnivals and its beautiful people. PANLAR has wonderful things to show, it has active supporters behind it.

So, there I find a window of opportunities that brings us together, and we can dare to go through that window and enter the new millennia. That is what we intend to show in 2024, when we will enter PANLARs new stage. We entered our 80th anniversary with a celebration in Barranquilla, and now we’re approaching the road toward our 100 years. Therefore, this is the window toward our centennial. Barranquilla is the window to a palate that comes with the city, it’s a widely inclusive congress in the city, we will educate within the city, we will work towards greater knowledge in the city. Can you imagine Barranquilla’s boardwalk being an open air rheumatology school for the future? Showcasingarthrosis, arthritis, featuring rheumatologists, wit and joyfullness, functionally and dutifully to educate in science. We want to marvel ourselves and the world, and we want to do that in Barranquilla 2024.

Estefanía Fajardo: We could not avoid talking about Barranquilla, I believe that my birth certificate would have not forgiven me. I believe that this is precisely the point: To strive to be better known, to reach more people, to reach the citizens, to evolve, move forward, and finally be united. Is that what we are looking for in the upcomingPANLAR 2024?

MA: Precisely, that is the evolution. We said that we wanted to be associated with the patient, we said we wanted people to speak with, and this is a society with 10,000 or 12,000 working physicians. We want other doctors akin to rheumatology, and that are interested in rheumatology, to be a part of PANLAR. But we also want that 900 million inhabitants in Latin America somehow feel pride to belong, because we work for people ranging from the north of the Americas to Tierra de Fuego, including the warm and beloved Caribbean. So, as my friend Carlo Vinicio Caballero Uribe said: “We are all PANLAR”.

Estefanía Fajardo: To conclude, doctor, please send a message to all the members of PANLAR.

Miguel Albanese: In PANLAR 2023, we are fulfilling our current stage. PANLAR 2023 will amaze us because we have a congress that is now fully in its post-pandemic stage, where we set forth the robust scientific work already done in America. What is coming regarding local works is much more important, especially regarding local advocates. In this congress you will see many names that other colleagues did not know and that will now become Latin American references in rheumatic pathologies. Thus, we are starting to have our own references, we are starting to believe in rheumatology and to evolve toward the future in a discipline that is more inclusive and closer to the cities. Our aim for 2024 is for people to become friends of rheumatology.

A PANLAR that reaches into the general population, a PANLAR tailored individually: from the most eminent rheumatologist, to the scientist, the veteran rheumatologist retired from practice, for the young physician starting out. There is a PANLAR for the trailblazing journalist, there is a PANLAR for patients, there is a personalized PANLAR for everyone. Dare to dream of PANLAR and dare to play in PANLAR.

And another thing; We want Pan-American doctors to feel that their first place, their first congress is PANLAR, because in PANLAR we play in the field, we play the match. To the other, bigger congresses, we go the stands, we enjoy it and we are fans. But, in PANLAR, we are at center stage and we play our match.

We hope that PANLAR continues; no, we do not hope, we are certain PANLAR will continue and we expect to live up to what PANLAR needs from us.

Estefanía Fajardo: Thank you very much, doctor.


Panlar 2024

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