Summary of the 5 Pan-American Congress of Patients with Rheumatic Diseases

By :
    Estefanía Fajardo
    Periodista científica de Global Rheumatology by PANLAR.

26 August, 2022
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Joint work between patients and physicians, as well as what is envisioned for the future and the expectations of collaborative decision-making, are part of the analysis made by Dr. Leandro Ferreyra.

EF: Hello, everyone, and welcome to a new Global Rheumatology video blog, where we will be taking a tour of everything that has been PANLAR 2022. Today, we will be talking about the Patient Congress, and for this, we are with Dr. Leandro Ferreyra. Doctor, welcome. 

LF: Hello Estefania, how are you? It is a pleasure to participate again in this summary of the Pan-American Patient Congress PANLAR 2022.

EF: Doctor, tell us precisely what topics were discussed at the Patients' Congress.

LF: The truth is that it was a very exciting congress. It was a full day. It was divided into two, where we had two plenary sessions and four symposiums. The truth is that it was essential information for all patients. We went through topics ranging from osteoarthritis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. The truth is that all the critical issues for patients with rheumatic diseases in Latin America were covered.

We had two plenary sessions at this congress, and the first was on patient-reported measures, which was very good. It is to listen to what the patient tells us, which is also helpful for research, for information, for patients, and for developing the doctor-patient relationship and shared decision-making. The truth is that this symposium was the first one that opened the Congress and was fantastic. 

The second symposium was at noon, about how technology can help patients. The truth is that Dr. César Graff, with all that is the development of 3D printing, also fascinated us all in that talk. We also discussed the use of social networks and how technology can help patients. The truth is that it was very good.

Then there were four self-care symposiums where general advice was the highlight of this symposium and was very good. And then, obviously, we also saw updates on what is new in different diseases, another symposium on advances and treatments, and another symposium on comorbidities. The truth is that the information developed in this patient congress was fantastic. 

EF: What is the importance of these spaces? 

LF: The truth is that these spaces developed between doctors and patients because this also has to be told, it was created by doctors and patients, the full participation of patients in this congress. The development of these spaces is critical to show all the people with rheumatic diseases that they have an essential role in their condition, in what they will use as a treatment, and in how they want to live their life with rheumatic disease. The truth is that these spaces are very important. 

EF: What are the challenges regarding shared decision-making and patient education?

LF: Medicine is changing in these years. And it is aimed at making the patient the center, and the patient is the one who decides, always guided by the physician, always accompanied. That is what we aim at. In the future, we will have a more significant number of chronic diseases, one because medicine is improving and the other because life expectancy is increasing, and that is what we must help as physicians and as expert patients to improve the quality of life. One of the things we must do is to educate people with rheumatic diseases. An educated patient is a patient that surely will do very well.

EF: And precisely the word "future,” what is the balance of the Congress of patients with a view to the future, and what challenges does it also pose?

LF: Looking to the future, if we participate together and work as a team of doctor and patient, patient, and doctor, I am sure we will have much better benefits than we have had so far. We need an empowered patient, a patient who knows his disease, a patient with whom we can share decisions and make him a participant in his treatment. That is the best and the best benefit we can offer our patients.

EF: Doctor, thank you very much for all this analysis for this summary of the Congress of patients, and I don't know if you have anything else to add.

LF: To invite you all to participate in all the activities of PANLAR for patients of ASOPAN, which is the patients' association that was involved in the organization of this congress. Invite them to participate in the associations of all the Latin American countries for people with rheumatic diseases. Obviously, you can follow the transmission, or you can watch the Congress on the website and, well, invite you for next year for our next congress of patients with rheumatic diseases that I think is going to be in South America. I think it is going to be in Rio. See you all in Rio.

EF: Doctor, thank you very much, and a happy day.

LF: It is a pleasure to greet you all.


All the conferences of the Patient Congress are available at: Playlist YouTube

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