About Abstracts in Global Rheumatology
¡Bienvenidos al espacio dedicado a e-Posters destacados del Congreso Panamericano de Reumatología…
¡Bienvenidos al espacio dedicado a las presentaciones orales destacadas del Congreso Panamericano…
Bem-vindo ao espaço dedicado aos e-Posters em destaque do Congresso Pan-Americano de Reumatologia…
Welcome to the space dedicated to featured e-Posters of the Panlar 2024 Pan American Rheumatology…
Bem-vindo ao espaço dedicado às destacadas apresentações orais do Congresso Pan-Americano de…
E- ISSN: 2709-5533 Vol 5 / Ene - Jun [2024]
40 years ago, Doctor Donato Alarcón Segovia shared with us the importance of having our own means, our own contribution to…
Nowadays, patients are becoming more engaged with their own ailments and consequently, seeking greater involvement in the…
Letters From Portoalegre Of passions, meteors, black holes and scratched matches.
Being a rheumatologist
“The old age of a man starts on the day of his mother’s death” José Lezama Lima (Paradiso. Havana, 1966)