PANLAR 2024 Coverage

Global Rheumatology becomes the official journal of PANLAR

By : Estefanía Fajardo
Periodista científica de Global Rheumatology by PANLAR.

01 April, 2024
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Fajardo E. Global Rheumatology becomes the official journal of PANLAR | Global Rheumatology. Vol 5/ Ene - Jun [2024] Available from:

"Framed within the scientific dissemination in Rheumatology, GR will have a special participation in PANLAR 2024 with a narrative workshop. The commitment of the journal to maintain and strengthen standards of quality and excellence in the dissemination of scientific knowledge remains."

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E- ISSN: 2709-5533
Vol 5 / Ene - Jun [2024]


Global Rheumatology becomes the official journal of PANLAR

Autor: Estefanía Fajardo: Science journalist for Global Rheumatology by PANLAR,


Cite: Fajardo E. Global Rheumatology becomes the official journal of PANLAR | Global Rheumatology. Vol 5/ Ene - Jun [2024] Available from:

Received date: March 26th / 2024
Accepted date: March 27th / 2024
Published Date: April 9th / 2024

Global Rheumatology has been designated as the official journal of the Pan-American League of Associations of Rheumatology (PANLAR), marking a significant point in the dissemination of scientific knowledge in this medical specialty. The consolidation of GR as the 'official voice' of PANLAR "represents a significant step in the commitment to scientific excellence and effective communication within the medical community," says the editor-in-chief of Global Rheumatology, Dr. Carlo Vinicio Caballero.

He also highlights that the journal was born as an official scientific communication medium of PANLAR with the premise of covering gaps in the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of rheumatology. "It was established as a platform intended to make a significant contribution to the scientific community and scientific communications," he says.

"Global Rheumatology is aimed at the scientific community in the field of rheumatology, including researchers, physicians, specialists, and healthcare professionals interested in advancing scientific knowledge in this area," adds the editor.

The journal has undergone a transformation process marked by risks and successes. Among the successes, Caballero mentions "the consolidation of open access editorial policies, the establishment of continuing education programs, and comprehensive coverage of key scientific events. Risks, on the other hand, have been addressed through technological adaptation and the search for alternative sources of income."

In this sense, the formalization of Global Rheumatology as the official journal of PANLAR reinforces its role in the communication of research and scientific activities supported by the organization. "This places the PANLAR community as a reference in the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of rheumatology internationally, strengthening its presence and influence," he maintains.

Additionally, it includes the dissemination of abstracts from the Pan-American Congress in the journal starting this year, which can be found here, and the commitment to disseminate the largest amount of scientific material that has received funding from PANLAR for its realization.

Caballero also highlights the differentiating elements, which include its open access editorial policy, no direct article processing costs, continuing education programs, comprehensive coverage of scientific events, and the use of innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence to improve multimedia content production.

Finally, when talking about challenges and the future vision, the editor-in-chief emphasizes "the journal's commitment to maintaining and strengthening standards of quality and excellence in the dissemination of scientific knowledge, expanding its international reach, and continuing to innovate to improve the production and dissemination of scientific content." The journal will be a key player within the PANLAR ecosystem in the new development plan 2024-2030.

With Global Rheumatology assuming its role as the official journal of PANLAR, a new chapter opens in scientific communication in the field of rheumatology, promising significant advancements and valuable contributions to the global medical community.

In line with the above, it will participate in the PANLAR Congress 2024 to be held in Barranquilla. It will be with the opening conference (April 10 in the main hall, starting at 6:30 p.m.) "Physicians and Medicine in the Work of Gabriel García Márquez," showing us a path between narrative and literary tools and medicine, which later, on April 11 in the Golden Rain 1 Room, starting at 5:30 p.m., will delve into the Global Rheumatology Workshop - Gabo Foundation, with panelists Juan Valentín Fernández De la Gala (Esp) and Estefanía Fajardo De la Espriella (Col), discussing "Narrative Strategies in Science: Writing Impactful Scientific Articles. Exploring how storytelling enhances scientific communication," with Jaime Abello Banfi (Col) and Carlo Vinicio Caballero Uribe (Col) as moderators.


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