Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in Patients With Rheumatic Diseases

By :
    Manuel Francisco Ugarte-Gil

25 November, 2020
views 1375views


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A worldwide registry has been established to analyze the relationship between autoimmune diseases and covid-19. 

Through the Global Rheumatology Registry (COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance), patients with autoimmune diseases and who are also positive for covid-19 are analyzed.

The objective is to establish severity, prognosis, and risk factors, among others.

The autoimmune disease most associated is rheumatoid arthritis, followed by lupus and the average age is 50 years old, most of them being women. 

Dr. Manuel Ugarte explains in an interview the results of this first analysis for Latin America (1) and what is expected to be achieved in the future with a larger number of patients including a higher percentage of Latin Americans and a panorama of treatments and hospital care.

1.Ugarte M et al Characteristics associated with Covid-19 in patients with Rheumatic Disease in Latin America: data from the Covid-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance physician-reported registry . Global Rheumatology Sept 2020

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