PANLAR 2021 Coverage

This was the best of the year at PANLAR

By : Richard Aguirre
Periodista científico de Global Rheumatology by PANLAR.

30 August, 2021

"PANLAR 2021 will discuss the best publications in rheumatology. "

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We all know that the pandemic led us to turn our daily lives around and to find ways out of the confinements that were experienced around the world, to face the fears involved in the simple act of shaking a hand or giving a hug and, clearly, to try to resolve the doubts raised by a situation like this, which chooses neither the poor nor the rich to attack and in which we are all vulnerable.

Even today, more than a year and a half later, there are mysteries to be solved and questions to be answered.

However, you and your colleagues from all over the world did not have the chance to stand still, instead, you devoted yourselves to finding answers to provide the best treatment and save the lives of thousands of people around the world, always thinking of improving the quality of life of those who come to your offices on a daily basis.

Well, now to those who call you or see you through a computer screen, which, as everyone has experienced, this has become a new reality. Therefore, obviously, we have not seen each other in person to give that awaited embrace and we meet in this Congress to share knowledge and experience, but behind a screen.

Then, with the Best of the Year, which in addition to being a selection of the latest and best publications and advances in the specialty, both in adults and pediatrics, with two highly experienced speakers: John Cush and Ruth Eraso.

From their experience and review, we will be able to hear a quick synthesis of current rheumatology and what has broken schemes and paradigms in the daily practice of the specialty.

For example, Cash will refer to the most relevant articles of the year, referring to adult rheumatology, while Erazo will review both basic and clinical articles.

In a few words, the hits, the top and the most outstanding things that were published during the last year will be on the main course. Don't miss it. 


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