Obstacles facing the dissemination of science in Latin America

By : Global Rheumatology by PANLAR
21 April, 2022
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The dissemination of science plays a key role in publicizing the development and results of scientific research, in the context of scientific and technological knowledge and, of course, innovation. This process is undergoing a turning point and some changes that had been taking place in recent years have accelerated and gained relevance.

An important component of dissemination is the publication of scientific articles. In Un café por la reumatología we discussed the existing barriers to this method from the points of view of authors, editors, organizations and institutions that generate knowledge, as well as the scientific journals where the papers are published.

In this episode, joining Carlo Vinicio Caballero, editor in chief of Global Rheumatology, and Diego Jaimes, will be Manuel Ugarte-Gil, Peruvian rheumatologist, master in teaching and education in health and researcher linked to the Universidad Científica del Sur, Guillermo Almenara Hospital in Lima, as well as Marcela Villegas Gallego, psychologist, master in social development and graduate in Scientometrics and Bibliometrics who works in the area of management and analysis of scientific production at Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla.

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