Hydroxychloroquine, and old acquaintance that gained strength in the pandemic.

By : Global Rheumatology by PANLAR
18 September, 2020
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As of December 2019, the COVID-19 epidemic represented one of the major therapeutic challenges faced to date, even more so when the use of medicines that were already known and perhaps forgotten by most of the medical community, but which were part of the rheumatologist's daily routine, was proposed. Specifically, we have witnessed the evolution on the evidence regarding the usefulness or not of an old acquaintance, Hydroxychloroquine. 


We want to know the perspectives of different specialists and analyze this therapeutic phenomenon, for that reason we are accompanied by Dr. Guillermo Pons, Research Rheumatologist at the Regional Center of Autoimmune and Rheumatic Diseases of Grupo Oroño in Rosario, Argentina (in Spanish, Centro Regional de Enfermedades Autoinmunes y Reumáticas), with extensive experience in the management of antimalarials, Julio Cesar García-Casallas, Director of the Medicine Program at the Sabana University in Chía, Colombia, Internist Clinical Pharmacologist and Hector Posso, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the Sabana University in Chía, Colombia, Epidemiologist, PhD in public health, with extensive experience in the design and monitoring of clinical trials that together with our host, Dr. Diego Jaimes and our editor Carlo Vinicio Caballero will analyze this topic of great interest in our specialty.


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