PANLAR 2021 Coverage

Daily podcasts so PANLAR 2021 is at hand

By : Richard Aguirre
Periodista científico de Global Rheumatology by PANLAR.

12 August, 2021

"It will be a summary of the daily sessions, in which you will find the highlights of the Congress and will discuss what was presented and what will be developed the following day. It will be transmitted live every day at the end of the day."

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Global Rheumatology, in its coverage of the PANLAR 2021 Congress, will have a podcast format so that you, on your way home, while having dinner, or at the end of the congress day after participating in the different symposiums, will be aware of what happened on each day. 

This product, which will last at least 25 minutes, in addition to presenting a summary of the conferences and the agenda of what will be presented the next day, will also be a space for discussion about the challenges of Rheumatology. 

We will have invited speakers, who will contribute to the debate around all the topics, in addition to sharing their experience during the meeting. 

The scientific team of Global Rheumatology, with Dr. Diego Jaimes as host, and Dr. Carlo Vinicio Caballero, editor in chief of GR, along with its journalists and the participation of PANLAR Young, will discuss the day’s events every night and will provide listeners with academic commentary and good vibes, so that if you missed any information, lecture or commentary on the day, you can take it with you on your phone or computer.

Podcasts will be broadcast every day at the end of the day.




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