Empowered patient, a new approach in rheumatology

By : Global Rheumatology by PANLAR
26 October, 2020
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A patient-centered care and an informed and confident patient are key elements for better outcomes.

Empowering patients implies a change in the conception regarding how the role of the patient in the health-disease process is recognized; this also means changing the paternalistic physician-centered scheme to one in which the patient is the protagonist.

The key to this process is to consider aspects such as knowledge acquisition, motivation, confidence, self-care or giving meaning to the patient's experience with the disease.

Together with Carlo Vinicio Caballero, editor-in-chief of Global Rheumatology, Dr. Diego Jaimes will lead a conversation with Emilia Arrighi, a researcher and academic focused on the empowerment and training of patients and caregivers, the key player in the PANLAR patient expert program, and Priscila Torres, Brazilian journalist, pioneer and creator of the Blog Artrite Reumatoide the main digital media for patients in Brazil and president of the Pan American Network of Associations of Rheumatic Patients ASOPAN to talk about their experiences around the empowerment of patients in rheumatology.

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