
Call for papers

By : Global Rheumatology by PANLAR

04 July, 2019

"GRP is a scientific journal designed to publish and spread scientific knowledge on rheumatology and related specialties generated mainly in our geographical region, and aims at presenting works that impact the exercise of rheumatology and have global repercussion."

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GRP is a scientific publication intended to publish and promote scientific knowledge, from rheumatology and other related specializations, mainly produced in our geographic region, which aims to introduce global-scale works that are able to impact the practice of rheumatology.


GRP is a strictly digital, open access journal that entails: 

•A global focus: local research with worldwide reach

•Every international criteria in editorial excellence 

•A compound of science publishing and diffusion

•A modern, up-to-date platform adjusted for new audiences

•The use of comprehensive metrics, abiding by the San Francisco Declaration (DORA)

Publishing in GRP will enable you to:

•Post and engage with a global audience: GRP, more than a journal, is a platform that not only will allow publishing, but also promoting scientific content in an open access format.

•Provide knowledge to an audience of your interest in Latin America and the world. GRP will be published in different languages (Spanish and English) with summaries also available in Portuguese, which will improve your work’s reach in all knowledge diffusing platforms.

•Experience something new: GRP is a journal adapted for the online world, with a reading oriented design and educational content for each platform and device type.

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