PANLAR 2021 Coverage

Covid and Long Covid, In the Search for Answers

By : Richard Aguirre
Periodista científico de Global Rheumatology by PANLAR.

12 August, 2021

"The types of vaccines and the effects of covid-19 in rheumatologic patients will be reviewed."

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Questions and challenges, that could summarize what the covid-19 pandemic has represented for humanity and medicine, which despite the fact that there are already vaccines that prevent death and severe disease, continues to leave effects on other patients with other pathologies.

Therefore, in this edition of the PANLAR Congress, through short talks on each of the vaccines, the advances of these will be shown, which will allow attendees to understand the mechanisms of action, which will be useful to understand how the vaccine schedules work and what the evidence so far says about a booster dose, either for two-dose or one-dose vaccines, as in the case of Janssen, the biologic produced by Johnson & Johnson.

In addition, the discussion will be open regarding what the theory says about combining vaccines to improve protection against coronavirus, which will allow attendees and participants to get a broader picture of what the literature currently points to, which, considering that these are relatively new vaccines, may vary even as the days go by.

There will also be a lecture by Juan Manuel Anaya, a rheumatologist specializing in rheumatoid arthritis and molecular biology, who will address the discussion on post covid manifestations, which is the well-known "long covid", that is, the effects of the disease in a patient for longer than the average time.

As they may be patients with rheumatologic diseases or associated pathologies, this conference will be fundamental for the attendees, since it is expected that recommendations or tips will emerge that will allow the physician to have or know inputs that will help him/her to approach a treatment or management at a better price, especially in patients with arthritis, pain, or fatigue, for example.

This will be an opportunity to resolve questions, especially from the area of Rheumatology, to bring professionals in this area closer to the management of patients and the effects that remain after covid, which can be more complex.



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