PANLAR 2021 Coverage

Global Rheumatology: A Commitment to Publish and Disseminate Science

By : Estefanía Fajardo
Periodista científica de Global Rheumatology by PANLAR.

12 August, 2021

"Two participations are expected to motivate the publication of research and the correct, pertinent, and adequate use of communication channels for the dissemination of information that contributes to society from the scientific point of view."

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With the academic proposal of two symposia, Global Rheumatology is present in the scientific program of the PANLAR 2021 Congress through the editorial process and the dissemination of science. 

Global Rheumatology is the digital scientific journal of the Pan American League of Rheumatology Associations (PANLAR) and provides a platform for the publication and dissemination of knowledge in the specialty.

It is a diamond open access journal launched in September 2020, during the 22nd Pan-American Congress of Rheumatology. For this twenty-third edition, in addition to a broad coverage of the event by the journal, it will present two symposia of its own on topics of publications and popularization of science. 

A first GR symposium will feature Drs. Loreto Carmona, Mario Cardiel, and Carlo V. Caballero. This will address the evaluation aspect of traditional and alternative metrics, as well as the essentials to consider for each of these when they are being evaluated, whether in a researcher, journal, or article.

This is 'Scientific publications: making scientific research visible. Traditional metrics versus alternatives: enemies or complements?' in which, from the experience of traditional metrics, as well as alternatives, and from advice for young people, it also seeks to motivate to do research and publications.

This will contribute to how to use this type of metrics, and understand that more than competition, they are complementary. 

One aspect that the pandemic has brought to light is misinformation, a 'virus' that goes hand in hand with SARS-CoV-2 and is classified by the World Health Organization as infodemic. For this reason, there will also be a second proposal, a workshop for the dissemination of science, also with a focus that goes hand in hand with the objective of GR. It will have journalists specialized in health coverage such as Dr. Carlos Francisco Fernández, physician and Health Editor of one of the main Colombian newspapers El Tiempo, and Estefanía Fajardo, scientific journalist of Global Rheumatology, member of the Communications team of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia and with experience in the media. 

It mentions the aspects that must be considered in order to make an adequate dissemination of science, taking into account examples that provide context and contribute to society.

The aim is that all people who have scientific knowledge also learn how to communicate science, disseminate knowledge, and have some basic structure to make a good and appropriate dissemination of science.

In addition to this, and at the request of the PANLAR Executive Committee, GR will provide extensive coverage of the event through different formats and deliveries.


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