Rheumatology education

By : Global Rheumatology by PANLAR
25 January, 2021
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To become a rheumatologist a physician must complete a prolonged training period formally defined in most of our countries, this phase is known as medical residency (3 to 5 years), fellowship or medical-surgical specialization, which also reflects, to some extent, the varied training realities of the different countries. For instance, the requirement for a first specialty such as internal medicine or pediatrics, or the type of accreditation a rheumatologist may require at the end of his or her training from a scientific society, to cite a few examples. 

Learning about rheumatology education experiences, as well as what success factors can be identified in postgraduate training in our area, are topics we will cover  today in this episode dedicated to the training of rheumatologists in A coffee for rheumatology.

Carlo Vinicio Caballero, editor in chief of Global Rheumatology and Diego Jaimes, will be joined by Eduardo Durante, physician, director of the Master program on education for health professionals at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires and Carlos Lozada, rheumatologist, president of PANLAR and director of the rheumatology program at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

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