A look to COVID-19 vaccine from rheumatology

By : Global Rheumatology by PANLAR
18 September, 2020
views 778Views


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To return to the so-called “new normal” the solution is in a COVID-19 vaccine. In the process there are several pharmaceutical companies and an expectant world following the step by step. Where are we with its development? Is it a feasible option for Latin America? When could we use it?


In today’s episode we will talk about these issues with our guest, Dr. Humberto Reynales Londoño, preventive medicine physician, working at the Center of Medical Care and Research (In Spanish, Centro de Atención e Investigación Médica – CAIMED) in Bogota (Colombia), entity with extensive experience in research on vaccination and diseases caused by viruses. We will also be with our host, Dr. Diego Jaimes, and our editor-in-chief, Dr. Carlo Vinicio Caballero.


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