The Pan-American Rheumatology Day - Access to doctors and medicines

By : Global Rheumatology by PANLAR
28 May, 2021
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The Pan-American Rheumatology Day that is celebrated on May 31st. In our Global Rheumatology podcast: Un Café por la Reumatología today we present a special program that we have called Global Conversations

The care of patients with chronic diseases has been severely affected since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a WHO survey completed by 155 countries over a three-week period in May. Health care for patients were partially or totally disrupted in many countries:

More than half (53%) of the surveyed countries had partially or totally discontinued hypertension treatment services; 49% services for the treatment of diabetes and related complications; 42% for cancer treatment services, and 31% for cardiovascular emergencies. Rehabilitation services discontinued in nearly two-thirds (63%) of countries.

Although we continue to face the pandemic and its epidemiological evolution, in this program we explore the determinants of access in the population with rheumatic diseases in the pan american region

We are accompanied by Emma Pinzón (EP) Leader among patients with rheumatic diseases, who directs the National Foundation of Rheumatoid Arthritis of Panama, and has a leading role in PANLAR's patient programs,

Julio Mazoneli, (JZ) Paraguayan rheumatologist former president of the Paraguayan Society of Rheumatology and former Minister of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay, together with them

Antonio Cachafeiro Vilar (AC) Panamanian Rheumatologist Medical Director of the Punta Pacifica hospital in Panama.

Yurilis Fuentes Venezuelan Rheumatologist Internist, Professor at the Universidad de Oriente and with special interest in education and SLE.

On the side of the hosts, we are accompanied by Estefania Fajardo Journalist specialized in scientific journalism and editorial member of Global Rheumatology, Miguel Albanesse Medical, Uruguayan rheumatologist, former president of the Uruguayan Society of Rheumatology, President Elect and member of the Executive Committee of PANLAR and  Carlo Vinicio Caballero our Editor-in-chief of Global Rheumatology

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