PANLAR 2023 Coverage

Three keys to submitting papers to the PANLAR Congress

By : Estefanía Fajardo
Periodista científica de Global Rheumatology by PANLAR.

27 May, 2023
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Fajardo E. Three keys to submitting papers to the PANLAR Congress [Internet]. Global Rheumatology. Vol 4 / Ene - Jun [2023]. Available from:

"The head of the PANLAR 2023 Scientific Committee, Dr. Enrique Soriano, has raised some important points to consider when accepting a paper."

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E- ISSN: 2709-5533
Vol 4 / Jan - Jun [2023]


Three keys to submitting papers to the PANLAR Congres

Author: Estefanía Fajardo: Scientific journalist of Global Rheumatology by PANLAR,


Cite as: Fajardo E. Three keys to submitting papers to the PANLAR Congress [Internet]. Global Rheumatology. Vol 4 / Ene - Jun [2023]. Available from:

Published Date: 27/ May/ 2023

Nearly 50 proposals for the program and over 400 research papers were submitted, analyzed and evaluated by the Scientific Committee aiming for PANLAR 2023 to be attended by the best.

Enrique Soriano, Chair of the PANLAR 2023 Scientific Committee, stated that “year after year the number of papers increases, and so does their quality. For 2023 we received a huge number of proposals and papers for presentation in different areas of rheumatology, applying different methodologies”. 

The papers, he explains, are evaluated by the Committee. The methodology was blind scoring, that is, the evaluators review the abstract or proposal under certain methodological parameters without knowing who the authors are and then a assign a score. 

What stands out in the papers is their scientific consistency. We even received presentations of clinical cases or series of cases aiming to teach lessons in the practice of the specialty”. 

In line with this, and in view of the forthcoming congress to be held in Barranquilla, Dr. Soriano provides three keys for researchers looking to submit their work and have it accepted by the PANLAR Scientific Committee:  

  1. The drafting of the document is priority. “Perhaps due to time constraints, sometimes the writing is left to last minute. Our recommendation in these cases is not to leave the writing to the last minute before the deadline”, says Dr. Soriano. 
  2. Read and follow the instructions. In this point, Dr. Soriano states that in order to be accepted, all the submission guidelines must be met, so it is fundamental to understand what is requested, its parameters and structure. “For example, one of the requirements says that tables must be submitted in the main article in an editable format and not as images, however, this is something that is still being done”, he states.
  3. Review the writing in English. As part of the process, papers shall be submitted in English. Therefore, the head of the Scientific Committee urges understanding one’s own capabilities and limitations with the language and to seek for assistance for editing and proofreading if necessary.

Dr. Soriano highlights the research capabilities and the progress that has been seen in the presentations year after year, as well as the comprehensive approaches to many topics and encourages further research in the areas of artificial intelligence and technological advances.

This year, oral presentations were included in the plenary sessions, along with a methodology established for the e-posters. E-posters covered different topics, including basic sciences, COVID-19, epidemiology (including socioeconomic and sociocultural studies and gender equity), medical imaging, lupus, osteoporosis, pediatric rheumatology, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, vasculitis, and more. Click here to see the submitted papers. 

Additionally, a workshop on scientific publications was organized by Global Rheumatology. The workshop featured guest speakers Dr. Pedro Pons, an editor of medical journals in Barcelona, and Dr. Joan Von Feldt, an associate editor of the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. During the workshop the participants learned valuable tips for enhancing their publications. The discussion also touched upon the future of scientific publications and the potential impact of artificial intelligence noting that it could help certain tasks but also discussing its limitations and ethical implications.

All the abstracts of the papers presented at PANLAR 2023 can be found at the following link: PANLAR 2023 - ABSTRACT SUBMISSION JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 29(4S1):S1-S112, May 2023

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